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College Chapel

Built in 1915, the Berry College Chapel serves as a magnificent setting for worship services, dramatic and musical programs, and lectures. The chapel was modeled after Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., which was thought to be patterned after St. Paul's Cathedral, the London church designed by the noted 18th-century architect, Sir Christopher Wren. Martha Berry was buried on the lawn just south of the chapel on Sunday, March 1, 1942. An eternal flame burns at her gravesite. Since she particularly loved dogwoods, a dogwood tree was planted at the head of the grave.

Image of College Chapel
College Chapel

Built in 1915, the Berry College Chapel serves as a magnificent setting for worship services, dramatic and musical programs, and lectures. The chapel was modeled after Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., which was thought to be patterned after St. Paul's Cathedral, the London church designed by the noted 18th-century architect, Sir Christopher Wren. Martha Berry was buried on the lawn just south of the chapel on Sunday, March 1, 1942. An eternal flame burns at her gravesite. Since she particularly loved dogwoods, a dogwood tree was planted at the head of the grave.

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